The telecommunication system includes the\ntransmission of a data bearing electromagnetic signal\nthrough a physical medium that differentiates the\ntransmitter from the receiver. The relative effect of these\nelements on reliable communication relies on upon the rate\nof data transmission, on the craved loyalty upon gathering,\nand on whether communication must happen in \"real\ntime\", for example as in phone conversations and video\nteleconferencing. Moreover, microwaves are generally\nutilized for point-to-point communications. Doubtlessly,\nthe telecom area has got a considerable measure of profit\nfrom that communication technology additionally causes\nsome exception issues. Working with equipment that\nworks in this district obliges exceptional knowledge and\nskills impressively unique in relation to those required for\ntraditional electronic equipment. Be that as it may, this\npaper has examined for the issues of microwave\ninstallation and demonstrates the accurate solutions for\nthe successful mobile communication world.